Friday, May 25, 2012

Please Sue Me Kimberlin!! I'd LOVE to laugh to your face instead of behind your back!!

So here's a little more info on the missing Wikipedia entry.  Since anytime the truth is put into writing about Brett Kimberlin's criminal record, he does everything in his power to make it disappear, I would not be surprised if HE had his entry removed.

Brett Kimberlin gets his Wikipedia article scrubbed from Internet

He became quite fond of a story where he was a political prisoner of some sort.  I don't know what details he created for that version of his past, but all that seemed important was that he looked like the martyr and a victim in the end.  Mark Singer put it this way,
 "Writer's original story was an account of an individual's civil rights abused by politicians and bureaucrats who were protecting their interests."
That is the preferred narrative when the truth is that you're a convicted perjurer, bomber and drug dealer who is suspected of having connections to the murder of the concerned grandmother of your pre-teen object of obsession.  That part of the story is very telling, to become suicidal when separated from a child with whom you are suspected of being engaged in an inappropriate relationship with speaks volumes about the mental health of a person.  When you add to that the description observed by Singer in a 1996 piece A Reporter at Large: Unfinished Business that appeared in "The New Yorker" magazine.
"Tells about his career, beginning at 15, as a marijuana dealer... Tells how he was implicated by police in the murder of Julia Scyphers; her granddaughter, then aged 9-12 accompanied Kimberlin alone on vacations... Police theorized that Kimberlin had her murdered in order to stop her from blowing the whistle on his drug smuggling and relationship with her granddaughter... Tells about a string of bombings which perplexed the Scyphers's area directly after the murder & which were later tied to Kimberlin... Kimberlin meanwhile was arrested on a marijuana smuggling charge & later convicted of the bombing spree as well as attempting to forge the Great Seal of the President of the United States... Tells about his time in prison as a model prisoner and a jailhouse lawyer... Tells how Kimberlin fought the bombing case all the way to the Supreme Court... Describes how Kimberlin claimed to have sold marijuana to Vice-Presidential candidate Dan Quayle while in prison... Tells about the opinions of people writer spoke to who described Kimberlin as a psycho.... Writer started a new file called "megalomania," which included some of the things that he was picking up: that Kimberlin regarded the police as idiots; that, just before the Gulf War, be became convinced that his own interventions with the Iraqis could bring Saddam Hussein to his senses; that he grew irritated with Vincent Foster, Jr., when he committed suicide, because it might keep the Clinton Administration from focusing on his own case... Tells about Kimberlin's attempt to become a pop icon... Writer grew weary of Kimberlin's narcissism..."

Sounds eerily similar to a certain speech given almost 4 years ago.....

Rise of the Oceans

Brett Kimberlin aka "Speedway Bomber"

It is thought that these bombings were carried out to distract authorities from the murder of Julia Scyphers, the mother of Sandra Barton, a very close friend of Brett Kimberlin.  Mrs. Scyphers believed that Kimberlin was engaged in a bizarre relationship with Barton's pre-teen daughter, Debbie, and she brought Debbie and her sister to live with her.  Kimberlin went so far as to threaten to commit suicide once he was separated from Debbie and had motive to want Julia Scyphers out of the picture.

Brett Kimberlin was in his mid-20s, already a convicted felon (perjury) and suspected of running a marijuana smuggling operation, using the restaurant he ran as a front to cover up for his illegal activities.

Only one of the bombings came with casualties.  Carl DeLong suffered the loss of one of his legs and other severe injuries that kept him in constant pain.  His wife was injured in the bombing, as well.

While awaiting trial, Brett Kimberlin made a list of 10 names- 6 to be killed, 2 to be roughed up and 2 to be robbed.  On three separate occasions, he solicited the help of a fellow inmate in carrying out his revenge on these people and all three times, the list ended up in the hands of prosecutors.  He was never charged with any crimes in relation to his "Hit List".  

While Kimberlin was in prison, Carl DeLong committed suicide, unable to handle the repercussions of the injuries he had sustained.  His wife, Sandra, went on to win a $1.6 million judgement against Kimberlin in a civil case.

"Five years later, in 1988, Kimberlin vaulted himself into the national news when he claimed he'd once sold pot to Dan Quayle, then a U.S. Senator from Indiana and candidate for vice president. Quayle vehemently denied the charge and Kimberlin produced no proof beyond making the claim. 

Kimberlin was paroled in 1994 after serving about 13 years of his 50-year sentence. But when he made no effort to pay the DeLong judgment his parole was revoked in 1997 and he went back to prison for about four more years, released again in 2001."

Shortly after the bombings, four young persons were abducted and later murdered.  There is no detail given to this incident other than the authorities were unable to connect it to the bombings.

Covers of Newspaper:

"The Indianapolis Star" Saturday September 2, 1978

"The Indianapolis Star" Wednesday September 6, 1978

"The Indianapolis Star" Thursday September 7, 1978

"The Indianapolis Star" Friday October 16, 1981

Newspaper Articles:

"Kimberlin Case a Maze of Murder, Deceit" October 18, 1981

"Kimberlin Gets 50 More Years" December 30, 1981

"Mystery Still Clouds Kimberlin Case" December 31, 1981

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Who is Brett Kimberlin?

The answer to this question is definitely not a simple one, but it is a question which we will be answering before the end of the week.  He is known as the "Speedway Bomber" for a series of eight bombs that he built and detonated in the late 70s in a town called Speedway, Indiana.  (We will look deeper into his past in a future post)  After being released from federal prison, Kimberlin has become a serial litigious bully, filing more than 100 separate lawsuits against those who even made a mere mention of his past or the fact that he is a convicted felon.  This man will stop at nothing in his attacks on free speech.  His current target, Stacy McCain ("The Other McCain"), has left his home and is an undisclosed location to protect his wife and children.  Family members and even employers are not off-limits to Kimberlin when he has focused his attacks on someone.  About six months ago, Andrew Breitbart suggested that we do some homework on the convicted felon and some of his associates.  Lee Stranahan, who was a close associate of Breitbart's, wrote a blog post the other day declaring this Friday May, 25th to be "Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day" and provided us with a few guidelines:
  • Research Brett Kimberlin on your own. Don’t trust secondary sources; look for the original articles articles published about him, too.
  • On Friday, May 25th — write an honest, factually accurate post about what you learned and what your OPINION is. Brett may try and sue you, so be accurate, factual and separate fact from opinion.
  • The post doesn’t have to be long — ANYTHING helps.
  • After you post, Tweet, share, whatever — get the post out there.
  • Remember how powerful anchor text can be when paired with the right factual article inside a blog post.
  • Well troops, it seems as though we have been given our mission and it is time to get to work!!  One more thing, the following video is a short summation that provides us with a glimpse into the life of Brett Kimberlin and was created by Lee Stranahan.